Reflections on Rwanda
One of the founding trustees of CWB, Ed Williams (on the right of picture!), reflects on a very special time in Rwanda. Enjoy...
'I didn't know what to quite expect joining the Rwanda team halfway through their trip. I had flown out at the last minute in order, along with Lee Booth, to ensure that BBC crew that was going to cover the project had something truly special to film, as well as giving the co-founder and trustee back story to CWB.
This was my 5th visit to Rwanda, the first of which was in 2007. Touching down at the Airport, nothing seemed to have changed too much. The descent from the air was spectacular, with the smoke drifting from the numerous hills and mountain tops that surround the capital, Kigali. In contrast to smiling Ugandan border officials, I was quizzed on why a barrister was visiting Kigali. Somehow the answer, to coach cricket seemed to make him more suspicious. There had been some English barristers a few years ago defending an opponent of the Rwandan regime and perhaps they thought the cricket coaching might have been a mere ruse to get my way into the country. After some further questions about who exactly I was going to visit, I was given entry into a country that everyone has heard of, but so few have actually visited.
It was clear from the number of Chinese passengers on the plan that things had changed since I was first in Rwanda 5 years ago. I was equally struck by the numbers of Musingos (African for white man) there were walking around the pavements. It felt like in 2005 we were a real novelty, now it seems the whole world is heavily involved in helping Rwanda rebuild and re-establish itself.
Which is exactly what CWB is trying to do with helping develop a game we all love in a country that more than any other needs to play and laugh together.
I met the team after an exhausting, but by the sounds of it inspirational trip outside of Kigali. I wasn't sure how they would view a trustee. I need not have worried, fortunately or unfortunately (depending on your perspective) several of the team shared my amateur enthusiasm for accents and self depreciation. I knew Kevin, a CWB trooper (3 times to Rwanda) from a project I had done in 2008, Lee as a fellow Board member and Mike from his previous trips to Botswana. But I had never met the other 3 members of the team, Jules, Carl and James. The thing I love about CWB is how it attracts people that are prepared to have an adventure, take a risk and try to make a difference to the lives of others. All three of them fitted completely into that category. Jules, a cricket fanatic, scorer and member of the UK Border Agency, Carl a Shakespearean actor (and as we found out a character from East Enders) and James a 23 year old History graduate about to spend 6 months in Australia playing cricket.
The last 6 days has passed in a whirlwind of children, schools, rain storms, meetings, motor taxi rides, 90's dance tunes (that was the Rwandans) and hundreds of smiles.
The team were real ambassadors throughout, but none more so when the BBC came to film and make a radio programme about CWB's work. Phil Mackie, Radio News journalist, had contacted me during the Paralympics about the possibility of making a 30 minute radio programme. Phil, as I found him out here, is a persuasive and charming guy who had clearly worked his magic on his BBC bosses and was commissioned to do both a 30 minute radio piece on CWB's work in Rwanda and Kenya, but also a 3 minute TV piece. With Phil was the cameramen was Richard Kenny, who Phil had met before in Afghanistan in 2001.
Our team was able to show the BEEB not only cricket being played and coached in orphanages, street centres and schools, but also how the AIDS awareness messages are incorporated into everything we do. Abstain, Be Faithful and use Condoms. They also by travelling with us in Steady Eddy's bus of tunes and German accents, were part of the exit from one school that was not dissimilar to the last helicopter that left Saigon.
I was so proud of the team's efforts on the days that the BBC were filming and recording, but also for everything they have done the last 2 weeks. They have been coaching non-stop without a break for almost 14 days. That is such commitment and their passion is nothing short of life affirming.
For me it was a time to reflect and to articulate where CWB came from, how it grew, where it is now and where it might go. In the end setting up CWB and growing it is one of the things I am proudest of in my life, and I know the other trustees and co-founders Andy and Chris feel that way too.
I will sign off with two moments that for me encapsulate why this small UK based charity really is something truly special.
First, Don, one of the star Rwandan players said to me last night on the bus on the way back: "Edmund (the secret is out on that one), do you remember when you taught me to hold a bat in 2008". Now he is the leading run scorer in Rwandan...
Second, I took two pictures today, one of our Running AIDS out of Rwanda banners hanging on a set of gold posts still riddled with bullets from the genocide (the Kicicuro Oval is where one of the largest single massacres took place), the second immediately afterwards was of almost 100 children running around, laughing, hitting cricket balls on that very same site. If ever you wanted a better example of reconciliation and rebirth through common humanity, it was in that moment.
Enjoy the radio programme when it comes out'