My name is Emmy Uwiragiye, I’m 23 years old and I am the 5th child in a family of 7. I’m from the northern province Rwanda. I live in Rulindo district, Kinihira sector.
My name is Emmy Uwiragiye, I’m 23 years old and I am the 5th child in a family of 7. I’m from the northern province Rwanda. I live in Rulindo district, Kinihira sector.
“Pandemic Stopped Play” - certainly it has felt like that has been the case, as cricket grounds around the world have been forced into an unnatural summer hibernation, lying unused under blue skies and sunshine.
Cricket Without Boundaries are grateful to the student members of Marlborough College Cricket Club for including CWB alongside NHS Charities Together and the Ruth Strauss Foundation in its RUN 100 TO RAISE 100 challenge.
We are delighted to be able to share with you our Annual Report for 2019 – packed full of photos and updates from another great year at Cricket Without Boundaries. We hope this provides an enjoyable read and thank you for your ongoing support and volunteering efforts, which made all of these great things possible.
Cricket Without Boundaries are delighted to confirm that we have appointed two new Trustees; Dr Matthew Quaife, Assistant Professor in Health Economics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and David Terrace, long-standing CWB volunteer and charity-governance expert.
For the second #CWBchallenge we are going a little more creative - this week your task is to make your own ball from material in your home, garden or yard. You’ll then be able to use this ball in future challenges!
Like everyone, the team at Cricket Without Boundaries, our partner Cricket Associations, and the communities we work with year-round, are feeling the effects of COVID-19.
We’re delighted to announce the launch of a new project at Cricket Without Boundaries, delivered in collaboration with HIV education charity Avert (check out the dedicated project page on Avert’s website here) and made possible through funding from the Mercury Phoenix Trust.
Last year, over 65,000 children – half of whom were girls – across Africa, the Middle East and Europe were coached by our CWB volunteers. Volunteers from across the UK, from 18 to 63 all motivated to inspire, to coach, to share and experience the power of sport to make a difference to young people and inspire their dreams.
As part of UNHCR Global Refugee Forum, CWB is proud to be part of a worldwide sports coalition to work with young refugees to help them discover their potential. Through our work in East Africa and more recently the Middle East and the UK, we promote inclusivity and the important of team work through playing cricket.
Working with Right to Play Jordan we have supported the upskilling of teachers, to use cricket based games to aid with core curricular learning of Maths, English and Arabic as well as social development via team building, leadership and ownership to local Jordan and refugee children.
Congratulations to CWB Ambassador and Cricket Kenya coach Nicholas Oluoch who has been appointed interim head coach for Kenya women's national side, for their upcoming international tour of Botwana, which will feature 7 T20I fixtures at the Gabrone Oval.
The global theme for World AIDS Day in 2019 is Communities Make The Difference.
Joe Chaplin is off to Rwanda with Cricket Without Boundaries this Autumn, and he has taken on an epic running challenge to raise awareness and funds for CWB.
Join the Cricket Without Boundaries volunteer family as we host a great quiz and raffle at a venue right in the heart of London, raising money to continue to drive Cricket Without Boundaries’ work in the UK and around the world.
Help make dreams come true by volunteering with Cricket Without Boundaries
Last weekend we were in Jordan as we continue to build on our partnership with Right to Play. The visit followed our successful joint projects in 2018 and was to focus on CWB training Right to Play staff to deliver our methodologies as part of the Right to Play Strengthening our Schools programme.
Have you ever stared out of your window at this time of the year, your ‘new year, new you’ resolutions hanging by a thread, the dark winter evenings seemingly endless, dry January...and thought to yourself; ‘I need an adventure’ or, ‘wouldn’t it be great to make a difference?’ Well, this could be just the thing to banish those winter blues.
As a regular traveler for work, boarding flight WB305 from Dubai to Kigali was in itself unremarkable. However, the following four days were truly remarkable for me and below is at attempt to describe why.
359 Ware Road,
Hertford, SG13 7EL
UK registered charity 1154576